Tag Archives: security

Cannot Connect to Brand New ASA

I recently experienced an issue making a connection to a brand new, factory default, just out of the box ASA firewall. “Connect using a browser and the URL” did not work like the quick start guide suggested. The solution was simple but somewhat elusive if you don’t know where to look. Continue reading

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Cisco Identity Services Engine

I recently had the opportunity to attend a Cisco Gold lab focused on Cisco’s Identity Services Engine (ISE). I was particularly interested in the capabilities of the ISE that would help us deal with the “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) mess we are starting to get into. I found ISE to be very robust and powerful. Continue reading

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Create ACL Rules with Wireshark

I stumbled onto this wireshark feature by accident really but thought I would share a little bit about it. Essentially what wireshark does is allows you to review all the captured packets and then a single packet in more detail. Continue reading

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Prevent IP Access by Routing to Null

The goal of a router is to send network traffic to its destination based on its routing table. Some times its necessary to prevent traffic form flowing through a router. This can typically be achieved with access control lists, but a cost. ACLs, particularly long and complicated ones, come with the cost of performance. When preventing access to an entire subnet it is possible to simply route traffic into a “black hole” where it will be discarded. This is achieved without using an ACL. Continue reading

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