Tag Archives: security

TACACS+, Linux, and Cisco Command Accounting

I recently finished configuring our medium sized corporate network devices to authenticate via Radius against windows Network Policy Server. Never being satisfied I wanted to take it a step further and account for administrative actions taken on our routers and switches. Basically, I want a record of every command typed into the network devices. Its like a key logger of sorts for your Cisco devices… I know Cisco and other vendors offer some commercial TACACS+ servers but all were outside of the budget for this project. Continue reading

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Capturing Traffic with the Cisco ASA

I have written quite a few things lately about capturing traffic so why not write another? This time we will be taking a look at capturing data from another key place in the network; the firewall. Continue reading

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Capture Files from Data Streams with Wireshark

Most networkers are familiar with the basic capabilities available in Wireshark. Packet captures are very helpful when troubleshooting a host of network problems. One feature folks may be less familiar with in Wireshark is it’s ability to actually save files that were seen as part of a packet capture. Continue reading

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SSH Tunneling and Proxying

Today I want to talk about the flexibility, security, and convenience of using SSH Tunneling and Proxying to connect to your remote network devices. The SSH tunnel will act as a VPN of sorts to get us inside the network where remote access is otherwise not available. These examples will also wrap the traffic in a layer of security since all SSH tunnel traffic is encrypted. To get started let’s have a look at the diagram below: The laptop is our remote user and the network on the right is the network with some devices that we could like to … Continue reading

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