Monthly Archives: June 2012

Cisco Wireless AP LED Commands

In the networking realm of things I typically get to play with new and sophisticated technology. Sometimes, however, even the most sophisticated technology requires some really simple changes for some really simple reasons. For example. the other day I was approached about disabling the LEDs on our Cisco access points. Since I was working in the healthcare world at the time it made sense that a request would come through about this particularly since many patient rooms had APs mounted in them. After some quick looking around online I found the answer: Log into the controller and issue the following … Continue reading

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Cisco Configuration “Expect” Backup Script

I was recently tasked with backing up switch configurations automatically. No problem, right? Wrong. There was nothing to spend on this project so it was up to me and whatever I could do with a script. I had made a telnet script in the past but was not crazy about passwords flying around in plain text. I really have very little scripting experience so many of you will find this very easy to understand and follow since there is nothing complicated about my scripting skills.
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