Monthly Archives: January 2018

CUCM Direct SQL Queries

When working with CUCM you quickly come to understand that the whole system is a big database front ended with an ok GUI and few communications protocol stacks.  The graphic interface gets 98% of the work and visibility done for the typical CUCM admin.  However, there always comes a time when getting under the hood can be helpful.  I’m not sure what to say… Examples! Log into the CLI and use the “run sql” command followed by your query.  Here are a few of the ones I have gotten started with. Show all of the tables in the DB: run … Continue reading

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Configure IOS DSP Conference Bridge

To configure a DSP conference bridge in IOS you will need to iron out a few sections of config in a particular order and then link it all together with the “associate” commands. First, configure SCCP on the box and reference the UCM system(s) in your environment !define a source !reference your UCM system(s) and prioritize them when using redundancy interfacesccp local GigabitEthernet0/0 sccp ccm identifier 1 priority 1 version 7.0 Next, build out your dspfarm profile for this conference.  This is where you allocate resources and specify codecs that are supported !name it and indicate its a conference. … Continue reading

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