Monthly Archives: July 2011

Mitel 5000 PHP SMDR Script

You may have read my short writeup about reading SMDR from the Mitel 5000 with a simple PERL script. If not you can see it HERE. This script is basically the same thing but in PHP. You will have to setup PHP to run from the CLI for this to work… I also set the execution time really long and could run it from a web page as well. It was really ugly but this gets the idea out there…

Posted in PHP, Scripts, Telephony | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Mitel 5000 SMDR Script

The Mitel 5000 is a great system but the base licensed setup has a bit to be desired as far as reporting is concerned. I wanted to know who was making making and receiving calls and how long they were taking. I found some Mitel documentation on how to enable SMDR on the system and sent ahead and enabled it. After enabling SMDR on the Mitel (and rebooting it) you can run the script below on a Linux machine to collect live call data from the system. The SMDR data exchange is very simple. If you have any issues with … Continue reading

Posted in PERL, Scripts, Telephony | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Mitel 5000 Voicemail Only Extension

Mitel 5000 Voicemail Only Extension Sometimes it’s nice to have an extension or phone number you could really care less about. What I mean is you don’t care if it’s slammed by telemarketers, etc. You can give the number to people you don’t really want to talk to but need to hear from. The Mitel 5000, as would most phone systems I would imagine, has a solution to this. The solution is to create a phantom extension and link it to a mailbox. The caller can call in and reach the extension and the call will be routed directly to … Continue reading

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Mitel 5000 / Asterisk Integration

Mitel 5000 to Free PBX (Asterisk) Trunk The first dependency is to have licensing for the number of SIP trunks you would like to create on the Mitel 5000 system. We will be creating a SIP Trunk Group that will require these trunk licences. Each trunk needs a license at the cost of something like $125 a piece for small quantities. The Mitel 5000: First, go into System–>Devices and Features–>SIP Peers–>SIP Trunk Groups Create a SIP trunk Group with just a single extension number. It will probably be something like 9200X. Mine was 92003 but yours could end up being … Continue reading

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