Tag Archives: trouble shoot

Matching Processes to Listening Ports on Windows

Do you really know what is running in the background on your Windows PC or server? Not knowing is how security holes perpetuate themselves into serious issues. While ignorance may be blissful someone else may be poking around your networking looking for a way in. With Windows systems it’s easy to list listening sockets that could present a risk. Once you know what’s listening on your system you can then hunt down the process and validate its existence. In many cases the services are part of windows or otherwise acceptable services or applications. To start issue a “netstat” command with … Continue reading

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Tail Cat and Grep Your Log Files

I recently treated myself to a long overdue syslog server for our network devices. The system is on a Linux system (I would have it no other way) and has been instrumental to troubleshooting and auditing these past few weeks. You can read this article for some log parsing tricks ranging from basic to a bit more advanced. Cat, Grep and Tail are the commands that truly set Linux based syslog servers apart from one running on windows. Don’t get me wrong, there are other decent alternatives but it’s hard to beat a typed command and an instant result. There … Continue reading

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Redirecting Cisco Show Command Output

Have you ever issued a diagnostic command on a Cisco device and wish you could keep the output to review off line at a later time? There actually is a way to do this! (without copying and pasting, etc). I recently was asked to send the results of “show tech-support” to Cisco’s TAC to get help with an issue. To my dismay the result of this command overran the length of the terminal window’s buffer. Rather than changing things on my side I knew this was the opportunity I needed to make my life easier. To send output directly you … Continue reading

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Parsing Cisco Show Command Output

If you have done even the basics in networking you have probably used a “show” command at some point on a Cisco networking device. Show commands give us insight into the configuration, performance and issues that face that device. One issue with show commands, however, is that they can be very verbose. Many commands give you way more information than you are looking for and are difficult to get through quickly. Luckily for you and I there are output modifiers to help us parse the output.
I will attempt to teach this short lesson with an example. Say you want to look at all interfaces and see what access lists are applied to them. You could do “show run” and read all of the output until you find what you are looking for.
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