This is a VB Script that I have created to fit a scenario where you need to add a user to Active Directory and set attributes for that user. I have found it to be quite tedious to have to create each user and set the attributes manually. So I have searched the net to find information on how to create a script to do what I need. Here is my scenario…
I need to create a user, set a password, set a location, create a user home folder(not roaming) and set the share permissions. I wanted to be able to have the option to create multiple users at once and to be able to create a single user using dialog boxes.
To start you have to download RMTShare from . This is used to set the permissions on the share after it is created on the server. Make sure that the script knows how to get to rmtshare.exe.
The script is not too complicated. There is a sub procedure called User and inside it is an “if” that determines whether you will be using a .csv file to create users or if you are creating a single user. The CSV file must be in the correct order: Firstname(given name), lastname(sirname), predetermined username(SamAccountName) and in my situation, grade. If you create a single user, the script will ask you all of the above information using an Input Box.
Now this script can be manipulated to make it fit your situation. For instance you have a AD scheme where you have OU’s for locations or departments. In my situation, there users in a school building and in each building there are different grades. The OU’s represent that hiearchy. There is a function called getSchool and getGradYear. These two functions together determine the OU of a user. Those functions set a global variable at each function return and are used in the sub, User.
The next step is to create the user and set attributes. That is pretty self explanatory and you can google more attributes to sets if need be. The last three functions are for the share and are not too complicated. I always run this script from the server that is sharing the folders.
Option Explicit '***** Global Vars ******* dim objUser, objGroup, objContainer, strDirectory, errReturn Const FILE_SHARE = 0 Const MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS = 0 '***** USER VARS ********* dim strSamName, strGivenName, strSn, strCn, strDn, strL '***** LDAP VARS ********* dim ldapPath '***** VAR FOR SETTING OU ******* dim gradYear, school '***** USE CSV FILE OR TEXT BOX (T OR F) IF FALSE WILL USE TEXT BOX ***** dim source source = InputBox("Use CSV file? (Answer T for yes or F to use Text box to add one user)","Source Type",,100,200) 'wscript.echo source User sub User() if source = "t" then 'wscript.echo "Use CSV" Const ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND = 3 dim objExcel, objWorkbook, intRow Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("Path to csv File here") intRow = 1 Do Until objExcel.Cells(intRow,1).Value = "" 'USER BELOW FOR CREATE USER, SET USER ATTRIBUTES AND CREATE A SHARE ON A SERVER FOR USER HOMEFOLDER 'THESE VARIABLES ARE SET FROM THE CSV FILE THE NUMBER INDICATES THE COLUMN NUMBER IN THE CSV FILE. THE CSV FILE CAN BE IN ALPHA OR NUMERIC COLUMN NAME 'MODE, BUT IN THIS SCRIPT IT HAS TO BE NUMERIC EX. "A"(IN CSV FILE)= "1"(IN SCRIPT) strSn = (objExcel.Cells(intRow,2).Value) strGivenName = (objExcel.Cells(intRow,1).Value) strSamName = (objExcel.Cells(intRow,3).Value) strCn = strGivenName & " " & strSn getGradYear(CInt((objExcel.Cells(intRow,4).Value))) getSchool(CInt((objExcel.Cells(intRow,4).Value))) ' SETS VARIABLES TO CREATE THE USER ldapPath = "LDAP://CN=" & "" & strCn & "" & ",OU=" & "" & gradYear & "" & ",OU=" & "" & school & "" & ",OU=Students,DC=Domain,DC=local" strDn = "CN=" & "" & strCn & "" & ",OU=" & "" & gradYear & "" & ",OU=" & "" & school & "" & ",OU=Students,DC=DOMAin,DC=local" strConPath = "LDAP://OU=" & "" & gradYear & "" & ",OU=" & "" & school & "" & ",OU=Students,DC=domain,DC=local" Set objContainer = GetObject("" & strConPath & "") Set objUser = objContainer.Create("User","cn=" & strCn) objUser.Put "sAMAccountName", ""&strSamName&"" objUser.SetInfo objUser.Put "givenName", ""&strGivenName&"" objUser.Put "sn", ""&strSn&"" objUser.Put "userPrincipalName", ""&strSamName&"" & "@domain.local" objUser.Put "scriptPath", "general.bat" objUser.AccountDisabled = FALSE objUser.Put "pwdLastSet", "0" objUser.SetPassword "welcome" objUser.Put "wWWHomePage", "" objUser.Put "l", "city" objUser.SetInfo Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://cn=groupname,dc=domain,dc=local") objGroup.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND, "member", Array(""&strDn&"") objGroup.SetInfo 'calls the functions to create folder for the users home folder and then shares and sets permissions. the share is hidden FolderCreate CreateShare SetPermissions 'sets user ad attribute for the homefolder this must be done after the folder is created. objUser.Put "homeDirectory", "\\servername\" & strSamName & "$" objUser.Put "homeDrive", "U" objUser.SetInfo intRow = intRow + 1 Loop objExcel.Quit else 'this part of the script is the same except that the values that were gotten from the excel file are gotten from text box entries. dim tGradYear, strConPath strSamName = InputBox("Enter Student ID","Enter Student ID",,100,200) strGivenName = InputBox("Enter Student First Name","Enter Student First Name",,100,200) strSn = InputBox("Enter Student Last Name","Enter Student Last Name",,100,200) strCn = strGivenName & " " & strSn tGradYear = InputBox("Enter Grade","Enter Grade",,100,200) getGradYear(CInt(tGradYear)) getSchool(CInt(tGradYear)) ldapPath = "LDAP://CN=" & "" & strCn & "" & ",OU=" & "" & gradYear & "" & ",OU=" & "" & school & "" & ",OU=Students,DC=domain,DC=local" strDn = "CN=" & "" & strCn & "" & ",OU=" & "" & gradYear & "" & ",OU=" & "" & school & "" & ",OU=Students,DC=domain,DC=local" strConPath = "LDAP://OU=" & "" & gradYear & "" & ",OU=" & "" & school & "" & ",OU=Students,DC=domain,DC=local" Set objContainer = GetObject("" & strConPath & "") Set objUser = objContainer.Create("User","cn=" & strCn) objUser.Put "sAMAccountName", ""&strSamName&"" objUser.SetInfo objUser.Put "givenName", ""&strGivenName&"" objUser.Put "sn", ""&strSn&"" objUser.Put "userPrincipalName", ""&strSamName&"" & "@domain.local" objUser.Put "scriptPath", "general.bat" objUser.AccountDisabled = FALSE objUser.Put "pwdLastSet", "0" objUser.SetPassword "welcome" objUser.Put "wWWHomePage", "" objUser.Put "l", "LocalCity" objUser.SetInfo Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://cn=groupname,dc=domain,dc=local") objGroup.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND, "member", Array(""&strDn&"") objGroup.SetInfo FolderCreate CreateShare SetPermissions objUser.Put "homeDirectory", "\\servername\" & strSamName & "$" objUser.Put "homeDrive", "U" objUser.SetInfo end if wscript.echo "DONE" end sub Sub FolderCreate () ' Get Folder name dim objFSO, objFolder strDirectory = "f:\StudentShares\"& gradYear & "\" & strSamName ' Create the File System Object Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Note If..Exists. Then, Else ... End If construction If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory) Else Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory) End If End Sub Sub CreateShare() dim strComputer strComputer = "." dim objWMIService, objNewShare Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set objNewShare = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Share") errReturn = objNewShare.Create (strDirectory, strSamName & "$", FILE_SHARE, ,"Student Share" ) End Sub Sub SetPermissions() dim WSHShell dim domadmin, stuU domadmin = """domain\domain admins""" stuU = """domain\studentudrive""" Set WSHShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") WSHShell.Run "c:\sanmove\rmtshare\rmtshare.exe \\servername\" & strSamName & "$ /grant domain\" & strSamName & ":f" & "/grant " & stuU & ":f" & "/grant " & domadmin & ":f", 0, FALSE WSHShell.Run "c:\sanmove\rmtshare\rmtshare.exe \\servername\" & strSamName & "$ /remove everyone:f", 0, FALSE End Sub 'this function gets the graduation year of the student based on their current grade Function getGradYear(cGrade) if cGrade=6 then if Year(Date) Mod 2 = 0 then '1 means odd, 0 means even gradYear = Year(Date)+ 6 else gradYear = Year(Date) + 7 end if end if if cGrade=7 then if Year(Date) Mod 2 = 0 then '1 means odd, 0 means even gradYear = Year(Date)+ 5 else gradYear = Year(Date) + 6 end if end if if cGrade=8 then if Year(Date) Mod 2 = 0 then '1 means odd, 0 means even gradYear = Year(Date)+ 4 else gradYear = Year(Date) + 5 end if end if if cGrade=9 then if Year(Date) Mod 2 = 0 then '1 means odd, 0 means even gradYear = Year(Date)+ 3 else gradYear = Year(Date) + 4 end if end if if cGrade=10 then if Year(Date) Mod 2 = 0 then '1 means odd, 0 means even gradYear = Year(Date)+ 2 else gradYear = Year(Date) + 3 end if end if if cGrade=11 then if Year(Date) Mod 2 = 0 then '1 means odd, 0 means even gradYear = Year(Date)+ 1 else gradYear = Year(Date) + 2 end if end if if cGrade=12 then if Year(Date) Mod 2 = 0 then '1 means odd, 0 means even gradYear = Year(Date)+ 0 else gradYear = Year(Date) + 1 end if end if end Function 'this function returns the OU name that the student will go in based on their grade. Function getSchool(cGrade) if cGrade <= 8 and cGrade >= 6 then school = "MSStudents" elseif cGrade <= 12 and cGrade > 8 then school = "HSStudents" else school = "Wrong Grade" end if end Function |